Welcome to
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church

Simplicity & Sincerity
2 Corinthians 1:12 (ESV)

About Us

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church is committed to proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our community is rooted in Biblical teaching, seeking to glorify God through worship, discipleship, and fellowship.
We emphasize simplicity and sincerity, as reflected in 2 Corinthians 1:12,
and strive to live out our faith through the power of God's grace in our lives.

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What We Believe

We base our beliefs on the Bible and proudly accept the label of "Christian," meaning "One who follows Jesus Christ." We align with the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and find the Apostles' Creed to be an accurate summary of Christian tenets.


We believe in the five solas of the Reformation:

  • Sola Scriptura: Scripture alone is our authority.
  • Sola Gratia: God's grace alone is the reason for our salvation.
  • Sola Fide: We are justified by faith alone.
  • Solus Christus: Salvation is through Christ alone.
  • Soli Deo Gloria: All things are for God's glory alone.


  • Humanity's Radical Corruption
  • God's Sovereign Choice
  • Christ's Purposeful Atonement
  • The Spirit's Effective Call
  • God's Preservation of the Saints


We are constantly reforming to bring our doctrine, behavior, and attitudes in line with Jesus Christ's example.

When We Meet

Each Sunday Morning

10:30 – Coffee and treats

11:00 – Morning Worship

Each Sunday Evening (January through May & August through October)

5:30 p.m. – Sunday evenings (Programs alternate. Call for details)

  • Membership Orientation
  • The Theology Program
  • Christianity Explored

Wednesday Evenings

5:30 p.m. – Student Ministry (Grades 1-12)

6:00 p.m. – Evening meal for all ages


Recent Sermons

Recommended Reads

God's Kingdom through God's Covenants

God's Kingdom through God's Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology

By Peter J. Gentry, Stephen J. Wellum

In this abridgement of the groundbreaking book Kingdom through Covenant, a biblical scholar and a theologian offer readers an accessible overview of the overarching structure of the Bible. Tracing the significance of the concept of “covenant” through both the Old and New Testaments, this book charts a middle way between covenant theology and dispensationalism—exploring the covenantal framework undergirding the history of redemption.

Read Chapter 1

Where We Meet